Brady's Bunch

Brady’s Story
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Welcome to our Columbus Buddy Walk team fundraising page! We can't wait to celebrate our loved one with Down syndrome on Sunday, September 29, 2024! Please stay tuned for more information about our team regarding upcoming fundraising opportunities and our team's tailgating plans for the 2024 Columbus Buddy Walk!


We started our journey with our buddy Brayden “Brady” in May 2011! Brady is a fun-loving and sweet spirited little boy! In September 2011, at just 4 1/2 months old he had open-heart surgery which caused a prolong stay, many code blue episodes and several other surgeries to follow. We left the hospital with a trach and a feeding tube. After a few years Brady graduated to have these things surgically removed.

Today after 14 surgeries and at 12 years old Brady continues to overcome any adversity placed in his path. His positive attitude and energy make him a friend to everyone he comes in contact with. His beautiful spirit is why we advocate for him and all the other buddies within the Down Syndrome Community.

Our journey began with the Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio (DSACO) in 2011. Their support for families during one of the worst times of their lives is incredible. With over 250,000 people in the United States with Down syndrome, DSACO strives to provide tools and opportunities that promote awareness, acceptance, and inclusion in our communities. Every dollar we raise brings us one step closer to ensuring that our child and every individual will have the opportunity to reach their potential.

Our fundraising efforts will support local programs and services through the Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio (DSACO), as well as National Down Syndrome Society advocacy and public awareness initiatives that benefit all people with Down syndrome.

Make your tax-deductible donation today and take the first step toward helping us achieve our goal. Thank you for your support!

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Our Funds Raised: $983.00
My goal: $4,000.00 24%
Large Team Badge Image
Large Team Badge Image

Large Team
GREAT GROUP! 10 team members
Returning Team Badge Image
Returning Team Badge Image

Returning Team
Welcome back team! Team Captain for 2 or more years
Customized Profile Badge Image
Customized Profile Badge Image

Customized Profile
LOOKING GOOD! Profile photo added to your fundraising page!
Blue Buddies' Tailgate Badge Image
Blue Buddies' Tailgate Badge Image

Blue Buddies' Tailgate
WOW! You raised $1000
Bronze Buddies' Tailgate Badge Image
Bronze Buddies' Tailgate Badge Image

Bronze Buddies' Tailgate
AWESOME! You raised $2500
Silver Buddies' Tailgate Badge Image
Silver Buddies' Tailgate Badge Image

Silver Buddies' Tailgate
WAY TO GO! You raised $5000
Gold Buddies' Tailgate Badge Image
Gold Buddies' Tailgate Badge Image

Gold Buddies' Tailgate
YOU'RE A ROCKSTAR! You raised $7500
Platinum Buddies' Tailgate Badge Image
Platinum Buddies' Tailgate Badge Image

Platinum Buddies' Tailgate
INCREDIBLE! You raised $10,000
Titanium Fundraiser Badge Image
Titanium Fundraiser Badge Image

Titanium Fundraiser
Amazing! You raised $15,000 or more.
Huge Team Badge Image
Huge Team Badge Image

Huge Team
PERFECT POSSE! 25 team members
Immense Team Badge Image
Immense Team Badge Image

Immense Team
TERRIFIC TRIBE! 35 team members
Gigantic Team Badge Image
Gigantic Team Badge Image

Gigantic Team
SQUAD GOALS! 50 team members
First Year Team Badge Image
First Year Team Badge Image

First Year Team
Let's cheer for the team! New Team Captain
Goal Met Badge Image
Goal Met Badge Image

Goal Met
TIME TO CELEBRATE! Fundraising goal met

Fundraising History
Double Good Fundraiser $320.00
John & Janwt $20.00
Norma Goode $25.00
Luam M $40.00
Sherri Watkins $21.00
Karen A watkins $25.00
Jill Lundy $100.00
Cree Cannon $25.00
Indya Private
Sorry I can’t make the event. Have an amazing walk!
Tiffany Cherry $25.00
Brandi Keaton-Spencer $21.00
Bryce Spencer $21.00
Allyson Spencer $21.00
John Spencer $21.00
Andrea Harrington $21.00
Carter Harrington $21.00
Aubrey Harrington $21.00
Deangelo Harrington $21.00
Monyetta Wright $21.00
Michael McCrory $21.00
Jasmine Palmer $21.00
Chance Perry $21.00
Keisha Allen $21.00
Amber Keaton $21.00
Ariana Briggs $21.00
Norma Good $21.00
Lisa Straughter $21.00