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My Team: System of a Downs
Team Funds Raised: $3,081.00
Team Goal: $3,000.00

Kathleen Marron

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Welcome to my Columbus Buddy Walk fundraising page! 

Watson was born October 2017. We had a full term pregnancy with no complications, until the day of his birth. His color was a bit off, and the nurses and my husband noticed his features. After holding Watson for a few minutes they wanted to check him a bit more, and they quickly whisked him away to the NICU.  I was alone in my room after giving birth and really didn't know what to do. I'll always be grateful to my friend Kristi who took my call, and having been through a NICU situation knew just what to say.

That is how Watson's story starts. But this kid breaks all ‘sterotypes’. He was able to breastfeed, not something that is common. He gained control of his neck muscles and was on track with all his milestones - sitting up, crawling, walking. He had no issues with eating, we introduced purees at 4 months and by the time he was a year old, he was learning to use utensils.

Watson started kindergarten this past fall and loves it. He rides a bus with his peers, he is in the classroom with his peers, and he is excelling. Watson is fortunate to attend a school that is very focused on inclusion and being a community, not something all families experience.

My fundraising efforts will support local programs and services through the Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio (DSACO), as well as National Down Syndrome Society advocacy and public awareness initiatives that benefit all individuals with Down syndrome. I can't say enought about how much of a resource they have been for our whole family.

Make your tax-deductible donation today and take the first step toward helping me achieve my goal. Thank you for your support!

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My Funds Raised: $481.00
My goal: $350.00 137%
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TIME TO CELEBRATE! Fundraising goal met
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Fundraising History
Kathleen Marron $21.00
Kathleen Marron $335.00
FB Marketplace Sales
Jennifer Roos $25.00
Marchelle Moore $50.00
Enjoy the walk and happy birthday Watson!
Wise Family $50.00