Volunteer Sign-Up

The Alaska Walk for Down Syndrome would in no way be possible without the help from all of our wonderful volunteers!  We are thrilled with an expected number of 300-500 attendees. 

Volunteer needs at Alaska Walk for Down Syndrome include:

  • Set Up/ Take Down
  • Passing out information and prizes
  • Photographers
  • Registration Booth
  • Merchandise Booth
  • Raffle Booth
  • Baked Goods Booth
  • Lunch Booth
  • Volunteer Booth
  • Trash Monitoring
  • Directing individuals from the parking lots to the event
  • AND much more!!

Volunteers will need to arrive at 9:00am on 6/29.

Each volunteer is guaranteed to bring smiles, joy, and laughter to so many families at the walk.   Each volunteer must register online. 

Volunteers will receive a free t-shirts if registering before June 8.  For those that register after June 8, t-shirts will be available first come first serve as we will have limited available at the walk.  


Click HERE to complete the Volunteer Sign-Up form.

Email Ashlee Cook at alaskads@gmail.com with any questions.


If you would like to make a donation to the Alaska Down Syndrome Network, click HERE.