Frequently Asked Questions

What are my registration options?

You can register to start your own team, join an existing team, or participate as an individual. When you register, you will first enter your personal information and shirt size.  When you proceed to the next step, if applicable you can enter your team name or the team you would like to join.  During this step you can also enter additional registrants by selecting the green “Add Another Registrant” button. When you proceed to the next step you will have the option of adding a donation as part of the registration.  Please review your cart to confirm the correct number of registrants, shirt sizes and any optional items selected before finalizing your registration and entering payment.  Detailed information for registration can be found under the “HELP” tab.  After completing the registration you will receive a confirmation email for each person registered, a receipt for registration and a credit card receipt.

I registered last year for the walk. Do I need my user name and password to register this year?

If you are a team captain and would like to have access to the prior year's list of team members and donors you will have the option to enter your user name and password or request them after you select the REGISTER button.  Otherwise you can select the REGISTER button and select "No" to continue your registration.  If you use the same name and email address from last year, your previous user name and password will be displayed at the end of the registration process. 

Will it be safe to attend this event?

The health, safety and well-being of everyone in the Down syndrome community is a priority at all times.  Please know that we are carefully following our governor’s guidelines as it relates to COVID-19 and we will keep everyone informed should we need to make any changes to the event.  

How much does registration cost?

General Admission w/T-shirt - $30 (includes event t-shirt, must register by 9/27)

General Admission with NO T-shirt - $20 (does not include t-shirt) 

Child Admission (12 and under) - $15 (includes event t-shirt, must register by 9/27)

Child Admission (12 and under) with NO T-shirt - $10 (does not include t-shirt) 

Individuals of all ages with Down syndrome - free (includes t-shirt; shirt not guaranteed after 9/27) 

I did not complete my registration. How can I finish my registration at a later time?

An email was sent to your attention with a code and a URL to allow you to restart the registration. If you click on the URL it will take you back to Step 2 of registration; please confirm the data entered and continue your registration. You can also enter the code in the email at the bottom of the screen after you click the “Register” button. If you no longer have the email, please complete this Support Form and indicate that you need your "start registration code". 

I tried to sign in, but I do not know my user name and password. How do I get this information?

When you registered for the walk, you were emailed a registration letter. This letter contains both your user name and password. If you no longer have the email, you can request your user name and a password reset.  In the upper right hand corner of the website in the login area, just click the link called: Forgot My Password.

Can I change my user name and password to something I can easily remember?

Yes, sign in and go to your profile page.  From your profile page select *Login and hit enter.  You can then change your user name and/or password.

I have created a team. If someone donates through my child’s page, rather than the team page, will their donation count towards both my child’s personal goal & our team goal as well?

If someone donates to your child's page then the funds will be counted towards their individual total and also the team totals.  

If you would like donors to only see the team page, you need to go to your child’s personal profile page and set the “Public profile page” to NO.  You can do this by sliding the toggle switch under this field from YES to NO.  You may want to ask all team members to do this as well if they are not participating in individual incentives.

I am having trouble uploading a photo to my personal or team profile page.

Please complete this Support Form and indicate that you need assistance to upload your photo.

I would like to make a donation via check, may I do so?

Absolutely! Please remit your check to the “Down Syndrome Association of Pittsburgh” or “DSAP” and include the team name in the memo. You can mail the check directly to us at: Down Syndrome Association of Pittsburgh, 2211 Lesnett Rd, Unit 12864, Pittsburgh, PA 15241. Once received, we will add that total to the designated team and send you a receipt.

If I secure a sponsor, can the amount be added to my team?

Of course and we would encourage that! Ask your sponsor to indicate your team's name on their form and check. Once received, we will manually enter the sponsorship amount to your teams page. If paying online, instruct them to choose your team's name and the amount will automatically be added to your total. 

How to I see if my employer will match my personal donation?

Super easy! We have a tool that you can search for your current employer and follow the instructions. We will then credit the employer match to your team once it is received. 

Can I donate raffle baskets?

Of course! Raffle baskets are always a favorite at the Buddy Walk and we are looking for themed baskets with a minimum value of $50, with $100+ preferred. To make arrangements for your basket, email us at

Are scholarships available to attend the Buddy Walk?

Yes indeed! Please email us at and we can register you. It's a family reunion and we want you there!