Carter & Company

Carter & Company
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Carter, a sweet little 7-year-old with adorable glasses and high energy, learning to vocalize and laughing non-stop with his big sister.

At seven-years old, he is beyond affectionate, giving endless smiles with his newly most tooth, thumbs up and laughs to all around him. He loves pretending to be Buzz Lightyear and everything Disney. The reason he's thriving? Because of the support of local Down syndrome organizations like the Down Syndrome Association of Northeast Ohio (DSANEO).

That's why we're inviting YOU to join or donate to Carter & Company for the 2024 Northeast Ohio Buddy Walk®—to support people with Down syndrome in our community. Please support our efforts as an advocate for the value, acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome. You don’t need to walk with us to make a difference, you can make a difference from home.

We are walking to show our support for all our Buddies with Down syndrome and their families in Northeast Ohio! Every dollar we raise brings us one step closer to ensuring that our child and every individual will have the opportunity to reach their potential.

Our fundraising efforts will support local programs and services, as well as National Down Syndrome Society advocacy and public awareness initiatives that benefit all individuals with Down syndrome.

Make your tax-deductible donation today and take the first step toward helping us achieve our goal. Thank you for your support!

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Our Funds Raised: $5,881.52
My goal: $10,000.00 58%
Bronze Fundraiser Badge Image
Bronze Fundraiser Badge Image

Bronze Fundraiser
Teams who have earned $500 or more.
Silver Fundraiser Badge Image
Silver Fundraiser Badge Image

Silver Fundraiser
Teams who have earned $1,000 or more.
Gold Fundraiser Badge Image
Gold Fundraiser Badge Image

Gold Fundraiser
Teams who have earned $2,500 or more.
Platinum Fundraiser Badge Image
Platinum Fundraiser Badge Image

Platinum Fundraiser
Teams who have earned $5,000 or more.
Large Team Badge Image
Large Team Badge Image

Large Team
Teams that have at least 10 members.
Returning Team Badge Image
Returning Team Badge Image

Returning Team
Welcome back team! Team Captain for 2 or more years
Diamond Fundraiser Badge Image
Diamond Fundraiser Badge Image

Diamond Fundraiser
Teams who have earned $7,500 or more.
Titanium Fundraiser Badge Image
Titanium Fundraiser Badge Image

Titanium Fundraiser
Teams who have earned $10,000 or more.
Huge Team Badge Image
Huge Team Badge Image

Huge Team
Teams that have at least 25 members.
Immense Team Badge Image
Immense Team Badge Image

Immense Team
Teams that have at least 35 members.
Gigantic Team Badge Image
Gigantic Team Badge Image

Gigantic Team
Teams that have at least 50 members.
First Year Team Badge Image
First Year Team Badge Image

First Year Team
Let's cheer for the team! New Team Captain
Goal Met Badge Image
Goal Met Badge Image

Goal Met
Teams that have met their goal.
Customized Profile Badge Image
Customized Profile Badge Image

Customized Profile
Teams that have uploaded a photo.

Fundraising History
Spangenberg Family $150.00
Fund for Sharing Love, Gratitiude & Kindness $500.00
Per email 7/17 from Matt: Another $500 should be coming in from a check just mailed today. It’s from a company in AZ that traded some shares to make the donation.
Anonymous $50.00
Aunt Joan $800.00
With love from the Lombardi/Beharie Family We are proud of Matt, Jen, Avery and Carter!
The Di Lillo Family $500.00
Erin Schneemann $50.00
Julie West Private
Kate and Joe McAleese $200.00
Matt and family-you are doing such a wonderful thing for this cause. Best wishes to all!!
Maryanne Edwards $200.00
Continue to bless the kids, my dear!!! Love you!!!
Gwen Tremel $50.00
Gerard DiLillo $50.00
Good luck and enjoy the walk. This is a great cause😊
MJ McCarthy $25.00
Anonymous $100.00
Carson Family $50.00
Team Carter… love you all!
Beth Wagenmaker $40.00
Go Team Carter & Co!!
Kate Huff $100.00
Johns Crazy Socks $25.00
Grandpa and Grandma $100.00
Carter~We love you to the moon and back (and throw in a couple of trips through the universe)!. We always look forward to your visits so we hope to see you again soon.
Mom and Dad $50.00
Kudos to you, Jen, for the outstanding juggling act you have done for so many years getting Carter to his myriad of appointments while running your own business and keeping the homefront together. You're amazing!
Doug and Joan $50.00
A great big shout-out to you, Matt, for the massive amount of time you spend spearheading this effort each year for Carter and the Down Syndrome Association. Your contributions have been vital to keeping this organization going for so many years.
Joan $50.00
Thank you for always being such a great Grandpa for Carter. I know he loves spending time with you and especially looks forward to you reading books with him.
Doug and Joan $50.00
Thanks for always being such a good sport and devoting so much of your time to Carter when you see him. We know he always looks forward to getting together with you and playing non-stop until you are exhausted! That's just the way kids are.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mom and Dad Private
You are definitely Carter's favorite fun aunt. He is always anxious to know how soon you are coming so you can play with him. Always a fun time and sad parting.
Grandpa and Grandma $50.00
You are always such a great big sister to Carter. He is very fortunate to have you . Hope you have a fun day!
Ashleigh & Alex $50.00
Heckman family Private
Olivia Vinci Private
Martin MTambo $250.00
Thank you Matt for everything you do 🙏🙏
Paul & Jeanine DiLillo $75.00
Shannon & Martin Mutafchiev $250.00
Rhonda Laux $100.00
Mike Marjenin $50.00
Michael & Beth Razzano $100.00
Good Luck!!
Beharie family $100.00
Love you guys!
The Durban Family $100.00
Keep up the great work. Proud of all of you.
Brendan Barrett $25.00
have a great event!
Judy Massey $250.00
Thank you for including me in your efforts to raise funds that provide wonderful support for Carter and the Lombardi Family. Congrats on all you have accomplished!
Barb Eifel $75.00
Nicole Oreskovic $250.00
Grandstaff Family $200.00
Sophia, Emily & Jeannie $20.00
Marylou Hornung Private
Go Team Carter!!!
Facebook $50.00
Donation from Facebook Fundraiser
Minkel family $50.00
Facebook $51.52
Donation from Facebook Fundraiser
Francesca Spangenberg $21.00
Jaxon Woods $21.00
Avery Lombardi $21.00
Marlene Kocaja $21.00
Jennifer Lombardi $21.00
Alexander Seasock $21.00
Katie Woods $21.00
Diane Landers $21.00
Matthew Lombardi $21.00
Ashleigh Doop $21.00
Victoria Leiby $21.00
Joseph Spangenberg $21.00
Alyssa Brisendine $21.00
Doug Doop $26.00
Mike Grandstaff $26.00