Team Captain Corner

Thanks for becoming a team captain! The success of our walk is dependent upon the hard work of all team captains to spread the word and encourage others to get involved. In this section of the website, we will provide the help necessary to make the most of the Stride website including the following Quickstart guides and Helpful Ideas.

Please see below the team captains packet, it is filled with lots of information including deadlines for incentives. You will also find sponsorship information which we encourage you to share with your local businesses, therapist offices, local attractions, etc. Businesses are more likely to support a Buddy Walk when they have a personal connection to Down syndrome. If you would like to print a copy of this packet please reach out to Bryan Baker. His info is on page 2 of the packet!




Click to check out 5 Tips for Creating a Terrific Fundraising Page.

Click this link Tips for Social Media for more great ideas! 

Click here to check out our Tips for Using Instagram!

Have you heard about the Stride Team Snapshot App?


The FREE app for team captains allows you to easily check fundraising progress and team donations from your mobile device! You can also see your team ranking and stay up to date with event reminders and notifications. Make this your best fundraising year yet!