Team Years: 18
Team Brady
Welcome to our DSAMC Buddy Walk team fundraising page! We are walking to show our support for our child and more than 400,000 other individuals with Down syndrome in the U.S. Every dollar we raise brings us one step closer to ensuring that our child and every individual will have the opportunity to reach their potential.
Our fundraising efforts will support local programs and services, as well as National Down Syndrome Society advocacy and public awareness initiatives that benefit all individuals with Down syndrome.
Brady has been participating in the Buddy Walk since day 1. His family has also been by his side every year. Brady has wonderful friends and family that support him and help him succeed. Brady comes from a farming family; he works in cherries during June and July, and he also has cows he feeds and takes care of. Brady loves swimming, dancing and watching movies. His favorite of all time is celebrating birthdays of family members, he loves his parties!
Brady will be 23 years old in September. He is an uncle to his beautiful 6-month-old niece, she will call him “Uncle B”. This year he is going to Cabo San Lucas for a week and Palm Springs, Ca. for Christmas.
Fundraising History
Cleveringa Family
Kollmar family
Brady Cleveringa
Emma Hewitt
Mikayla Cleveringa
Brandi Cleveringa
Pamela Cleveringa
Craig Cleveringa
Carter Cleveringa
Hunter Cleveringa
Heath Cleveringa
Dan Wesselius
Ruby Kollmar