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Team Years: 3

Gia Magic Members

Gia Magic

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Welcome to our DSAG Baton Rouge Buddy Walk® team fundraising page! DSAG strives to promote awareness and inclusion, as well as provide a community for our extra special families. Each dollar we raise helps to provide opportunities for a mission we believe in and advocate for. 

Fundraising efforts support our ongoing programs such as swimming lessons, new parent welcome baskets, scholarships, and the First Connect program. Your generous donations also allow us to host fun events (free to families) throughout the year. Everyone looks forward to Family Zoo Day, Back to School Bowling, Christmas party, and more (like movies at Celebrity)! 

Our local organization gives back to the National Down Syndrome Society and we are thankful for their continued support. NDSS advocates, provides public awareness initiatives, and shares resources to benefit all individuals with Down syndrome.

We are incredibly thankful for the love and support from our family and friends! Please consider making your tax-deductible donation and/or joining us for one of the most fun days of the year. Whether in person or in spirit, we cannot wait to celebrate life with you on March 23rd!

We're sticking with our $15 Unicorn Extra Magical shirts as team shirts, if you're interested. Here's the linke:


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Our Funds Raised: $0.00

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AWESOME! You raised $1000
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Gold Fundraiser
WAY TO GO! You raised $2500
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Platinum Fundraiser
YOU'RE A ROCKSTAR! You raised $5000
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Diamond Fundraiser
Teams who have earned $7,500 or more.
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Titanium Fundraiser
Teams who have earned $10,000 or more.
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PERFECT POSSE! 25 team members
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Immense Team
TERRIFIC TRIBE! 35 team members
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Gigantic Team
SQUAD GOALS! 50 team members
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Goal Met
TIME TO CELEBRATE! Fundraising goal met

Fundraising History

Neighbor canine meeting called to order in regular corner meeting spot while I cut backyard grass.

Neighbor canine meeting called to order in regular corner meeting spot while I cut backyard grass.

Team Shirt Day at The Arc Baton Rouge. Gia Gervais notes that our dog, Charlie, is also Saints-colored. (She is also a bit of a chaos demon in the morning and would not make a good office dog.)

Team Shirt Day at The Arc Baton Rouge. Gia Gervais notes that our dog, Charlie, is also Saints-colored. (She is also a bit of a chaos demon in the morning and would not make a good office dog.)

Leila Pitchford once again helps to document Gia's adventures. She's up on stage dancing with Arianna Kleinpeter and some other exuberant souls.

Leila Pitchford once again helps to document Gia's adventures. She's up on stage dancing with Arianna Kleinpeter and some other exuberant souls.

Go somewhere with Gia Gervais, she is going to run into someone she knows (Ariana, whom she knows from LSU Best Buddies).

Go somewhere with Gia Gervais, she is going to run into someone she knows (Ariana, whom she knows from LSU Best Buddies).

We have The Arc Baton Rouge guests for the Arc of East Ascension fundraiser.

We have The Arc Baton Rouge guests for the Arc of East Ascension fundraiser.

We're off to a fancy event to support neighboring Arc of East Ascension.

We're off to a fancy event to support neighboring Arc of East Ascension.

Gia's had a 6-pound ball since junior high. She's tried the 8; it's too much. Only 7-pounders we could track down are intended as house balls (giant 7,

Gia's had a 6-pound ball since junior high. She's tried the 8; it's too much. Only 7-pounders we could track down are intended as house balls (giant 7, "property of"), so we had All Star Lanes Baton Rouge engrave her name. First roll with new ball: 9 pins!

First baseball game for one of Gia's friends, Baton Rouge Rougarou on a summer night.

First baseball game for one of Gia's friends, Baton Rouge Rougarou on a summer night.

Enjoying the Baton Rouge Concert Band.

Enjoying the Baton Rouge Concert Band.

Visiting Diana Meyer's neighborhood for the parade.

Visiting Diana Meyer's neighborhood for the parade.

Charlie is strong enough to yank the leash from my hand, so we're doing a bit of early morning leash training next to the house while there are few distractions. With Gia Gervais, Charlie just plopped on the grass when she didn't want to turn back — no pulling or trying to run off. Then she got up and went in the direction Gia told her to. Then back to the porch for her usual climb-on-the-humans shenanigans.

Charlie is strong enough to yank the leash from my hand, so we're doing a bit of early morning leash training next to the house while there are few distractions. With Gia Gervais, Charlie just plopped on the grass when she didn't want to turn back — no pulling or trying to run off. Then she got up and went in the direction Gia told her to. Then back to the porch for her usual climb-on-the-humans shenanigans.

5 years living together, 5 years of random car conversations. Today, Gia Gervais sees reference to mermaids singing.
G: Mermaids don't sing.
K: Yes, they do, that's their whole thing. Mermaids are based on ancient Greece's sirens. Like the word siren we use today. They used to lure sailors to their deaths with their singing.
G: But not underwater, though, because the sailors couldn't hear them.
K. Islands, I guess. You know mermaids weren't real, right? It's all folklore. Old stories built on older stories, going back to at least ancient Greece.
G: Old like you?
K. I'm old, but I'm not ancient Greece old.
G. I didn't say you were Greek.

5 years living together, 5 years of random car conversations. Today, Gia Gervais sees reference to mermaids singing. G: Mermaids don't sing. K: Yes, they do, that's their whole thing. Mermaids are based on ancient Greece's sirens. Like the word siren we use today. They used to lure sailors to their deaths with their singing. G: But not underwater, though, because the sailors couldn't hear them. K. Islands, I guess. You know mermaids weren't real, right? It's all folklore. Old stories built on older stories, going back to at least ancient Greece. G: Old like you? K. I'm old, but I'm not ancient Greece old. G. I didn't say you were Greek.

Now we're ready to watch a ballgame. Thanks, JoeandAnn Shelly for the pic with Josh.

Now we're ready to watch a ballgame. Thanks, JoeandAnn Shelly for the pic with Josh.

On the field for the national anthem, a little time to hang with their favorite Baton Rouge Rougarou .

On the field for the national anthem, a little time to hang with their favorite Baton Rouge Rougarou .

Waiting on Gia's CATS ON Demand transit, notice that our outdoor fan works as a wind machine for photo shoots. Look at that wind-blown hair! 😆

Waiting on Gia's CATS ON Demand transit, notice that our outdoor fan works as a wind machine for photo shoots. Look at that wind-blown hair! 😆

Finished the knitted cap in under 8 hours as pattern book described and I very much doubted. Am I getting faster at knitting? Still not happy with my very loose increase stitches. Thanks, Joy Beebe Ballance for the lovely natural yarn for Baby Camille (whom Gia Gervais managed to connect with at Emilia Marie's work shower).

Finished the knitted cap in under 8 hours as pattern book described and I very much doubted. Am I getting faster at knitting? Still not happy with my very loose increase stitches. Thanks, Joy Beebe Ballance for the lovely natural yarn for Baby Camille (whom Gia Gervais managed to connect with at Emilia Marie's work shower).

"Prom" is a fun show.

Birthday dinner for Gia Gervais with Frances Spencer .

Birthday dinner for Gia Gervais with Frances Spencer .

44 and a day, hair finally long enough for pigtails (barely).

44 and a day, hair finally long enough for pigtails (barely).

Remember the first time we saw the Walter Anderson documentary, Frances Spencer and Elliott Crawford ?

Remember the first time we saw the Walter Anderson documentary, Frances Spencer and Elliott Crawford ?

So many options for birthday lunch. Shrimp appetizer, shrimp lunch special, shrimp poboy. Think we're having shrimp.

So many options for birthday lunch. Shrimp appetizer, shrimp lunch special, shrimp poboy. Think we're having shrimp.

Note: This is prebirthday celebration — work ( The Arc Baton Rouge), PT (BRPT-Jones Creek), dinner at Pedros Tacos+Tequila Bar.

Note: This is prebirthday celebration — work ( The Arc Baton Rouge), PT (BRPT-Jones Creek), dinner at Pedros Tacos+Tequila Bar.

I'm done with new specs for a while. These two are from where light.

I'm done with new specs for a while. These two are from where light.

Good friends and baseball, pool can wait.

Good friends and baseball, pool can wait.

We ran into some kids who were super proud of their rocket art as we arrived at the museum and Deanna in the space art exhibit. Free Sunday was busier than our previous visits but not overwhelmingly so.

We ran into some kids who were super proud of their rocket art as we arrived at the museum and Deanna in the space art exhibit. Free Sunday was busier than our previous visits but not overwhelmingly so.