Star Bio Details

We would like to acknowledge each individual with Down syndrome by displaying a free poster in the Stars Display at the walk. All individuals with Down syndrome have amazing talents and abilities. Individuals with Down syndrome make us all realize and appreciate that the smallest accomplishments that others may take for granted are huge. DSAF wants to recognize all the accomplishments of our membership of everyday stars.

Please fill out and mail or email the STARS biography information below and include a high-quality picture of your family member who has Down syndrome. DSAF STARS BIO Information is due September 4, 2024 to Jamie or mail to the address below. Portrait orientation photos work best. Mailed photos will not be returned.

Please click Stars Bio for all the details related to the poster.

The Stars Bios will cover the walls of our DSAF Stars Display at the walk (see map for exact location). They are free and can be made for any individual with Down syndrome. They are different from the Fact Posters that are an early fundraising incentive. 

Be sure to pick up your Stars Bio after the walk to take home with you!