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Team Years: 1

E-squared + C squared = AWESOME Members

E-squared + C squared = AWESOME

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Welcome to E² + C² = AWESOME!  I named our team after my sons Emmanuel and Eli who are both autistic.  I want to help raise awareness in the Chattanooga area about Autism and how resources, dedication and support of family and friends can make a difference in the lives of people with special needs and their families!  I also want to important the life is of each individual person and that everyone has something to offer the world!  

Our fundraising efforts will support local programs and services, as well as advocacy and public awareness initiatives that benefit all individuals with autism in our community.

Make your tax-deductible donation today and take the first step toward helping us achieve our goal. Thank you for your support!

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Our Funds Raised: $800.00
My goal: $500.00 160%
First Year Team Badge Image
First Year Team Badge Image

First Year Team
Let's cheer for the team! New Team Captain
Customized Profile Badge Image
Customized Profile Badge Image

Customized Profile
LOOKING GOOD! Your fundraising page has a photo
Bronze Fundraiser Badge Image
Bronze Fundraiser Badge Image

Bronze Fundraiser
WOW! You raised $500
Silver Fundraiser Badge Image
Silver Fundraiser Badge Image

Silver Fundraiser
AWESOME! You raised $1000
Gold Fundraiser Badge Image
Gold Fundraiser Badge Image

Gold Fundraiser
WAY TO GO! You raised $2500
Platinum Fundraiser Badge Image
Platinum Fundraiser Badge Image

Platinum Fundraiser
YOU'RE A ROCKSTAR! You raised $5000
Diamond Fundraiser Badge Image
Diamond Fundraiser Badge Image

Diamond Fundraiser
INCREDIBLE! You raised $7500
Titanium Fundraiser Badge Image
Titanium Fundraiser Badge Image

Titanium Fundraiser
Amazing! You raised $10,000 or more.
Large Team Badge Image
Large Team Badge Image

Large Team
GREAT GROUP! 10 team members
Huge Team Badge Image
Huge Team Badge Image

Huge Team
PERFECT POSSE! 25 team members
Immense Team Badge Image
Immense Team Badge Image

Immense Team
TERRIFIC TRIBE! 35 team members
Gigantic Team Badge Image
Gigantic Team Badge Image

Gigantic Team
SQUAD GOALS! 50 team members
Returning Team Badge Image
Returning Team Badge Image

Returning Team
Welcome back team! Team Captain for 2 or more years
Goal Met Badge Image
Goal Met Badge Image

Goal Met
TIME TO CELEBRATE! Fundraising goal met

Fundraising History
Karen Stacy $50.00
Isaiah is truly an inspiration.
Meyer Family $50.00
Good luck with your walk.
Ava Fletcher Private
Best wishes to you Isaiah! I am honored to be apart of the loving team of people that have directed your life for success! Love and prayers for you! :)
Thomas & Earnest Private
Brittany and AJ Private
Cynthia & Jose Flores $25.00
Andrea Gonzales $25.00
Pittari Family $50.00
We love you!
Brodie Family $75.00

Please message me if you’re coming. They are asking for you to sign up and I can post the link if needed n you will type in the name of each person attending. Even if you aren’t sure but think it’s a possibility that you’re coming, sign up so they have extra preparation instead of not enough.

Please message me if you’re coming. They are asking for you to sign up and I can post the link if needed n you will type in the name of each person attending. Even if you aren’t sure but think it’s a possibility that you’re coming, sign up so they have extra preparation instead of not enough.

2nd stop #mckaysultimateroadtrip Nashville

2nd stop #mckaysultimateroadtrip Nashville

That summer camp is finished with success!

That summer camp is finished with success!

If you are friends with Emmanuel, he has been hacked and had to create a new account. Disregard the things being sent to you that asks for money or saying inappropriate things. He’s quite upset about this.

If you are friends with Emmanuel, he has been hacked and had to create a new account. Disregard the things being sent to you that asks for money or saying inappropriate things. He’s quite upset about this.

Martial Arts set.  Like new. Includes breaking boards, sparring gear, knee and arm pads and bag. $250 OBO helmet is size large.

Martial Arts set. Like new. Includes breaking boards, sparring gear, knee and arm pads and bag. $250 OBO helmet is size large.

This is a way to keep the shop closed and safe over night

This is a way to keep the shop closed and safe over night

I am need of cigar boxes or the same size box for a preschool project.  If you have, they would be greatly appreciated.TIA
I’m trying not to spend money and to use as much recycling as possible.

I am need of cigar boxes or the same size box for a preschool project. If you have, they would be greatly appreciated.TIA I’m trying not to spend money and to use as much recycling as possible.

Happy Mother’s Day and happy birthday to this beautiful woman I call my mama!  She’s beautiful on the inside and the outside. She has taught me to love everyone and to welcome them into my life and home. She is the most hospitable and caring person I know. 
I love you Annette Sanders and I hope this is the happiest day ever!

Happy Mother’s Day and happy birthday to this beautiful woman I call my mama! She’s beautiful on the inside and the outside. She has taught me to love everyone and to welcome them into my life and home. She is the most hospitable and caring person I know. I love you Annette Sanders and I hope this is the happiest day ever!

Getting ready for my first preschool
Summer camp!  Lots of hands on lesson!!!!

Getting ready for my first preschool Summer camp! Lots of hands on lesson!!!!

I think this is my last gala for the school year!

I think this is my last gala for the school year!

Many people with disabilities have difficulty expressing themselves and how they feel. They usually mess up on their words in a conversation and it’s taken the wrong way by the person hearing it and then the disabled person has to suffer for that too.  I wish there was a way for normal people to give time to understanding others not like them.

Many people with disabilities have difficulty expressing themselves and how they feel. They usually mess up on their words in a conversation and it’s taken the wrong way by the person hearing it and then the disabled person has to suffer for that too. I wish there was a way for normal people to give time to understanding others not like them.

Happy Anniversary of 24 years David Costellow! It's been such an adventurous journey with opportunities that neither one of us could have imagined. 
May we continue to trust in the Lord, with all our hearts and mean not to our own understandings. May we acknowledge Him in all we do and He will continue to make our paths straight.  I love you!
I look forward to the day when we are ministry partners together again and for all the adventures we continue to create together for the next 24 years.

Happy Anniversary of 24 years David Costellow! It's been such an adventurous journey with opportunities that neither one of us could have imagined. May we continue to trust in the Lord, with all our hearts and mean not to our own understandings. May we acknowledge Him in all we do and He will continue to make our paths straight. I love you! I look forward to the day when we are ministry partners together again and for all the adventures we continue to create together for the next 24 years.

The tall dude just passed his test for CDL A!!!!!! So proud of these boys and their accomplishments!

The tall dude just passed his test for CDL A!!!!!! So proud of these boys and their accomplishments!

Mock Trial Final Round: 
Each year the competition gives out the “Judge Curtis Collier Spirit of Civility Award.” The award is presented to a team(s) that exhibit the ideals of civility and sportsmanship during the competition rounds - something that is very important in the Chattanooga legal community. BOTH OUR TEAMS WON
We did it advance to finals but I have a feeling they will do much better next year!

Mock Trial Final Round: Each year the competition gives out the “Judge Curtis Collier Spirit of Civility Award.” The award is presented to a team(s) that exhibit the ideals of civility and sportsmanship during the competition rounds - something that is very important in the Chattanooga legal community. BOTH OUR TEAMS WON We did it advance to finals but I have a feeling they will do much better next year!

A good reminder for couples taken from someone else’s page. 
Most women just want a reminder they are valued; most men too.

A good reminder for couples taken from someone else’s page. Most women just want a reminder they are valued; most men too.

#nighttoshine2024 TimTebow Tim Tebow Night to Shine - Chattanooga - Stuart Heights Baptist Church

#nighttoshine2024 TimTebow Tim Tebow Night to Shine - Chattanooga - Stuart Heights Baptist Church

Someone come and get these today!

Someone come and get these today!

A very official happy birthday to David Costellow who has taken me on so many adventures the last 26 years that we have celebrated birthdays together. He has taught me so much about life and been my  east friend on trips around the world and mission trips that have created lifetime memories. I love you and can’t wait to make memories this year in exotic places with you!

A very official happy birthday to David Costellow who has taken me on so many adventures the last 26 years that we have celebrated birthdays together. He has taught me so much about life and been my east friend on trips around the world and mission trips that have created lifetime memories. I love you and can’t wait to make memories this year in exotic places with you!

It’s almost this dude’s birthday and then he will be as old as me! Lots of birthdays in the last 26 years with him.  So thankful that God brought us together.  A beginning early birthday week for David Costellow

It’s almost this dude’s birthday and then he will be as old as me! Lots of birthdays in the last 26 years with him. So thankful that God brought us together. A beginning early birthday week for David Costellow

Roy Davis reminded me of an important day today. So I am remembering some very special people in my life. Thank you to Emmanuel Costellow, Eli Costellow and Seth Penny Crawford McGee who make my life special and have helped me see life in a beautiful way that brings joy to my heart daily.  To Lindy Blazek and her entire Blazek clan who have taught me as well how to work with others who are diverse in various ways and that life is beautiful because we all aren’t the same. I’m so thankful for these people.

Roy Davis reminded me of an important day today. So I am remembering some very special people in my life. Thank you to Emmanuel Costellow, Eli Costellow and Seth Penny Crawford McGee who make my life special and have helped me see life in a beautiful way that brings joy to my heart daily. To Lindy Blazek and her entire Blazek clan who have taught me as well how to work with others who are diverse in various ways and that life is beautiful because we all aren’t the same. I’m so thankful for these people.

I wish I had known sooner, I knew but it took a while for a diagnosis.  But I’m glad that I pursued and worked my bo-tooty off because I don’t think either of my children would be who they are and where they are today. 
Work hard for your children and provide every resource you are able to even if it means that every principal and teacher will know your name, if you have to stay up late at night to research the best resources, if you have to continually have IEP meetings and make people mad because you care more than they do for the education and the intervention your child needs.  If you cry more than people know because you keep pressing even when you want to quit. 
Never be embarrassed for your child to have a diagnosis that may be different then others and teach them that they are created perfectly in God’s image. 
The eduction of a child is so important because if they don’t get what they need, what kind of community will we live in when we retire from our jobs?

I wish I had known sooner, I knew but it took a while for a diagnosis. But I’m glad that I pursued and worked my bo-tooty off because I don’t think either of my children would be who they are and where they are today. Work hard for your children and provide every resource you are able to even if it means that every principal and teacher will know your name, if you have to stay up late at night to research the best resources, if you have to continually have IEP meetings and make people mad because you care more than they do for the education and the intervention your child needs. If you cry more than people know because you keep pressing even when you want to quit. Never be embarrassed for your child to have a diagnosis that may be different then others and teach them that they are created perfectly in God’s image. The eduction of a child is so important because if they don’t get what they need, what kind of community will we live in when we retire from our jobs?